On March 5th, 2016, I received an email that every maternity & newborn photographer dreads. Courtney*, one of my former maternity and newborn clients, who was expecting to have a maternity session for her second baby the next afternoon, went into labor overnight. The doctors were unable to ... VIEW POST
Winter maternity photography sessions
Taking the time during this quarantine to look back through all of my photography sessions this winter! There are so many I haven't blogged yet. So let's start with my winter maternity photography sessions! I photographed four beautiful expectant mothers this winter! I want to show off their ... VIEW POST
Winter Maternity Photo Session | Ashburn, VA Maternity Photography
Who says outdoor photo sessions need to be done in the spring and fall?! Winter photography sessions have their very own unique beauty! I especially enjoy winter maternity sessions! I could try to make some comparisons between hibernation and pregnancy or pontificate upon the promise of life ... VIEW POST